Archangel Sariel – Believe That You Are Safe And Protected At All Times, And The Angels Will Make It So

Archangel Sariel’s message is a gentle reminder that you are always safe and protected in the loving embrace of the angels. By cultivating a belief in your own safety and protection, you invite the assistance and guidance of the angels to manifest in your life.

To connect with Archangel Sariel’s energy and guidance, it is important to cultivate a deep sense of trust and faith in the divine protection that surrounds you. Recognize that you are never alone and that the angels are always by your side, ready to offer their loving support.

Call upon Archangel Sariel to reinforce your belief in your safety and protection. Ask for guidance in strengthening your connection with the angelic realm and in deepening your trust in the divine plan that unfolds for you. The angels are here to reassure you that you are always guided, cared for, and protected.

Remember to practice self-care and mindfulness as you navigate through life’s challenges. By grounding yourself in the present moment and maintaining a positive mindset, you invite a sense of safety and protection into your experience.

Prayer to Connect with Archangel Sariel’s Guidance

Dear Archangel Sariel,

I thank you for reminding me that I am always safe and protected in the loving embrace of the angels. I choose to believe in my safety and invite your assistance and guidance into my life.

Please help me cultivate a deep sense of trust and faith in the divine protection that surrounds me. Guide me in strengthening my connection with the angelic realm and in deepening my trust in the divine plan that unfolds for me.

I ask for your loving presence and support as I navigate through life’s challenges. Reassure me that I am always guided, cared for, and protected.

I practice self-care and mindfulness, grounding myself in the present moment. I maintain a positive mindset, inviting a sense of safety and protection into my experience.

Thank you, Archangel Sariel, for your unwavering love and guidance. I am grateful for your presence in my life.
