Break The Cycle Of Constant Lack And Scarcity So You Can End Your Worries About Money!

"And Discover How To Easily Manifest And Attract Money And Abundance With Divine Angel's Vibration!

Are You Struggling With A Lack Of Money Especially At The End Of The Month?

If you're like most people, you can relate to these situations when it comes to money...

No matter how hard you work, the life you want seems to be so out of reach... feeling like you are chained to a cycle of 'just getting by' and 'barely saving'.

Despite working so hard, the comfortable and restful life you so a seems to be distant and unattainable. 

This makes you deeply frustrated especially when you can’t understand why you are still in a financial bind no matter how much you work on your finances!

It's like being on a debt treadmill that you can never get off no matter how fast you 'run'!

Thoughts like, "Why am I still not progressing and getting out of this rut?" plagues your mind.

If this is what you're experiencing, then you've come to the right place. We feel you and we really want to help you to get better with your present financial situation even if it seems hopeless or there's no way out.

FACT: The reason why you're struggling so much is because your financial reality only matches at the level of your money vibration.

Think of it like a 'money thermometer' - if it is high, you will naturally attract and keep money... but if it is low, no matter how much you earn will all go to bills and other debts.

So unless you FIX your wealth vibration, no amount of money you earn will stay with you because you'll keep repelling money as it will go as easily as it comes!

But Why Is It That Others Tend To Live In Abundance While All You Feel Is Lack & Scarcity?

Perhaps you've wondered why there are always people out there who earn millions, suddenly end up bankrupt in a recession, but then started all over again, and before you know it, they’ve regained back their millions back again... and much more?

Think about it...

Do you think it is because these people are just lucky or better educated than you? What is it that makes these people so rich while others so poor? It's not about their education or striking the lottery... (After all, there are lots of educated people who are poor and people who strike lotteries but are in even worse situations than before they won it...)

It is because they have a 'wealth vibration' much higher than yours.

Your wealth vibration is a product of how connected you are to Source / God / The Universe and the energies around money that you were brought up in. It's no wonder why wealth tends to pass down from wealthy families as the wealth energy is generally taught and transmitted to their young.

Money itself has no energy but it stirs all kinds of feelings in us. When we use money, it gives us great happiness and joy yet when money is scarce it can bring feelings of fear, depression, and worthlessness. This shows us that it is the energy behind money that may either give us happiness or sorrow…

That is the reason why some people are blessed to have all they could possibly want and need while others are not.

Those who harness the right money energy easily manifests more than enough money for 5 to 10 lifetimes.

It's no wonder is why mindset, setting goals, and taking action aren't enough to manifest consistent money - something more is needed...

How Wealth Was Spoken Into Existence...

The truth is, people who possess the energy of wealth all have one thing in common… they spoke the language and the vibration of wealth the same way the divine has spoken things into existence.

If you’ve heard of the power of the spoken word, you’ll understand that money and wealth are not accidents - they were SPOKEN into existence and manifested itself in one form or another.

According to Christian traditions, when God created the heavens and the earth, He too spoke it into existence. Using a series of divine words, those words were not only the language of creation, but it also contained the knowledge of the past, present and future. The words of God hold the very key to unlocking the gates of heaven and to live in bliss and abundance.

These divine words were known as Celestial speech, the angelic language or Enochian - based on the prophet Enoch. These words were present throughout history in various religious text and different forms of spiritual records.

God gave Adam the gift of ‘Loagaeth’ - speech that came from God. When Adam lived in the Garden of Eden, Adam communicated with God and His angels using Loageth and gave every plant, creature and object its true name.

Adam’s life in the Garden of Eden was so abundant, he had more than enough ‘wealth’ than 5 lifetimes the combined wealth of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and countless billionaires combined. Adam had more than enough.

But when Adam was casted out from the Garden of Eden, not only did he lose his access to all that abundance, his fluency was stricken at the fall. He lost the ability to communicate with God and the angels. Even though he lost his ability to speak the Angelic tongue, he retained some fractured memories of that Celestial language and created the world’s first human language based on his fuzzy and flawed memory of Loagaeth.

Adam also lost the ability to speak abundance into existence the same way God did when God created the heavens and the earth. As a result, his connection with the divine abundance was severed and he toiled and labored for the rest of his long life.

How You Can Reconnect To The Energy Of Abundance Through The Power Of The Spoken Word

Adam’s story seems tragic, but if there’s one key takeaway you can learn from Adam is that abundance has always been a part of your DNA all along.

That's right...

You see, God created Adam and the rest of mankind in His image.

Even though the image isn’t perfect, some part of God’s DNA resides in you and you have the ability to tap into that DNA to access divine abundance.

You just need to remember how to use it.

Like Adam’s Enochian speech - the power of the spoken word and speaking abundance into existence is within you all along.

God’s ability to create by speaking the universe into existence is the same ability to speak your world and your abundant life into existence.

While Adam named every plant, creature and object, people who are connected with the wealth of energy speak all their million dollar ideas and projects into reality.

Money Is Simply Energy, You Just Need To Align With The Highest Money Vibration Using The Right Tools...

Money is actually just another aspect of our consciousness – just like everything else in this universe!

In fact, this consciousness of wealth is present in the most famous brands on the planet.

Think of brand names like Disney, Marvel or Star Wars… these billion dollar names all started and were uttered by the founders’ mouth and the vibration of these names will echo long into the future.

Do you see how energy simply flows from one form to another?

By learning how to connect with the language of wealth, you'll be able to manifest money and wealth rather than labor and toil for the rest of your life without bearing any fruit.

Money is just energy and we’ll show you how you can recover YOUR language of wealth in no time.

The Science Of How Angelic Vibration Works When It Comes To Raising Your Wealth Vibration...

Cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton explains in his book, Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness:

"The function of the mind is to create coherence between our beliefs and the reality that we experience." Lipton continues, "We generally perceive that we are running our lives with our wishes and our desires. But neuroscience reveals a startling fact. We only run our lives with our creative, conscious minds about 5% of the time, and around 95% of the time, our life is controlled by the beliefs and habits that are programmed in the subconscious mind."

This shows us that our subconscious programming influences 95% of our life and we're not even aware of it.

That's why the Law of Attraction does not work the same way you think it will. You need to go as deep as your mind programming to truly vibrate abundance and attract it into your life!

Do you see how our subconscious mind affects us so much and why it is hard to attract and keep wealth?

But what the cellular biologist didn't mention is there is another deeper layer than the subconscious mind.

It is the SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND - the level of our spirit and our energy body.

This later is much deeper than our subconscious mind because it can be easily accessed by divine and celestial beings such as angels and archangels.

Ever heard of people encountering angels and suddenly their life changed?

It is because an encounter with angels will raise your vibration so high, it will completely transform your life in a second!

Well angels want you to know that having wealth is YOUR birthright and they can change you at the superconscious level so you'll be richer beyond measure.

This is where we can help you...

How we can help you...

We, at Celestial Inspiration, have dedicated our lives to reach and help as many people as we can in connecting with their Divinity and find their highest path with divine protection. 

We are one of the fastest-growing angel communities in the realm of light.

We are committed to nurturing humanity using the best tools as we are guided to do so.

For this reason, we’ve created a program that will help you to connect with the vibration of angels so that you'll be able to manifest wealth and attract prosperity so you'll have more than enough to use in 5 lifetimes or more!



"How To Connect With The Energy Of Money And Live Life Abundantly!"

Let's talk about the program...

This program contains a very powerful channeled angelic audio recording called "The Enochian Vibration" that harnesses the energy of your superconscious mind so that you can tap into the abundance of the universe and raise your wealth vibration at the superconscious level.

How The Enochian Vibration works is by channeling the voices of Archangels based on their celestial speeches or angelic language used to communicate with the divine.

This recording also combines immersive solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats with the channeled energies of Archangel Ariel - the archangel of resources and abundance.

The subliminal scripts contains the celestial speeches of Archangel Ariel. When you listen to it, it works its way into the core of your superconscious mind - your soul.

It also comes with an instruction manual so no stone is left unturned when it comes to successful manifestation.

As such, we will help you forge a strong connection with the energy of money with the help of higher and divine beings so you can be divinely guided in manifesting the reality you want as you align your vibrations with them.

What You'll Get After Listening To It...

Connect With The Energy Of Pure Abundance

Discover how to live a life of abundance and never have to worry about money or bills again!

Destroy Scarcity At Your Core

Put an end to any financial struggle once you shift your vibration

Attract Money, Opportunity And Resources

Watch as signs, opportunities, and synchronicities appear all the time.

Have More Than Enough To Help Others In Need!

Don't just keep all that wealth to yourself, enrich others by sharing what you have and watch them come back 100 fold!

Develop Effortless Manifestations

It takes the same effort to manifest millions versus manifesting thousands. All you need to do is change your superconscious energy and it will speed up your manifestation power!

Never Lose Money Again!

It is not about how much you can earn, it is about how much you can keep! High vibration keeps wealth but low vibrations tend to repel money the moment they get some to spend! Keep money permanently!

How Does Angelic Vibrations Work In Our Channeled Tools?

  • This powerful audio tool will help you access divine abundance so you will connect with the energy of abundance and money.
  • Solfeggio frequencies are powerful because it contains nine tones derived from numerology that were used throughout time. These frequencies can shift your energies easily.
  • Binaural beats help you to relax and immerse easily with your angels so you can increase the strength of your brainwaves to increase your wealth vibration.
  • We use channeled angelic vibrations to replicate the power of the celestial speech so you can use the power of the spoken word of angels to increase your wealth vibration.
  • Once the angelic vibration enters your superconscious mind or your spiritual core, it will help you to connect with infinite abundance because angels are celestial beings and they vibrate at a logarithmic scale of 50,000 as compared to the highest human vibration of only 700-1000.
  • When you connect with angelic energies, you will instantly raise your own vibration to a much higher level allowing you to manifest more wealth.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This whole bundle is valued at $39.99, but since our goal is to help as many people as we can in achieving their dreams and reality, we are offering the entire program for only $9.99

Why are we charging such a low price?

Because the world is now in a global recession and we want to help as many people as possible at this price.

It costs only 2 cups of coffee to bring unlimited abundance to your doorstep!

"Very happy with this program. Since I started using it, a lot of great opportunities opened up for me!”


"After using this program, my approach in life and attitude towards money has drastically changed from the way I used to. Now, I see opportunities in every situation, and life has blessed me tremendously!”


If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied!

It’s time to get out of your poverty state and live abundantly! As workers of the light, no one values your protection as much as we do. We want you to feel completely confident and at ease when you purchase the program today, which is why we backed our program with a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. The last thing we would want to do is hurt the Creator's tender heart by keeping your hard-earned money if you are not getting an ounce of value from Celestial Inspiration. 

You have enough time to decide if you like this product. Don’t waste time and claim the life you are always meant to experience. There is no room for regret in your beautiful life. Save yourself from depression and anguish and live an amazing life.

If you have any questions or issues about your downloads or you want a refund, please contact our customer service at [email protected].

Your Life Of Abundance Is In Your Hands!

Take a closer look at your life now...

Is it the life you think you deserve?

Are you able to provide for yourself and your family?

Do you feel you have enough to give more?

Or are you still confused about how you are going to get out of the rut and attract money and abundance?

Do you wish to be more in tune with the energy of money and generate abundance easily and effortlessly?

Just to drive home what that means, let me take you to how we use and perceive "air"...

Speak Wealth Into Your Life Once Again...

You may now begin to understand that the universe is abundant, yet you still fear the lack of material abundance. These feelings will only attract lack which further validates the fears of not having enough.

But the truth is, money can be manifested as easily and as effortlessly as air.

You do not fear that you won’t have air to breathe. You know and you are confident that your next breath will be there when you need it. You do not worry about how your next breath will come. You even completely forget about it but it’s always there.

You do not feel the need to “stockpile” air so you will have enough for future breathing. You just expect it to be there in abundance and so it is. This may sound funny, yet in a different perspective, there’s actually no difference.

Abundance is like air, it will always be there when you need it when you have the mindset that supports it.

So take our hand, and let us show you and start right now with our products.

You deserve to live a life of abundance and prosperity instead of a life of toil and hard work like Adam.

ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS CLICK THE BUY BUTTON NOW and experience the change in your life.

The investment of this vibration raising tool is only $9.99 - only 2 cups of coffee which won't generate you more wealth. We've priced this to be as affordable as possible because we understand that the energy of scarcity has to be broken once and for all.

And again, if for any reason, you aren’t COMPLETELY thrilled with your results, just let us know. And we’ll instantly refund every penny.

There’s simply no reason not to start living in tune with the energy of money...RIGHT NOW!

Click the BUY NOW button to get started! 

Live an abundant life starting today!

The way to rid yourself of poverty is within your reach. Make the right choice.

Get started now for only $9.99!