Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Azrael – Your Angels Are Ready To Fight Your Battles

Of the order of angels in heaven, Archangel Azrael is known to be one of your strongest guides when it comes to navigating through changes and developments that life will bring your way. As humanity has tendencies of falling into grief when dealing with unexpected loss or challenges in life, Azrael exists to let them know that angels exist and are there to accompany and guide them along towards overcoming these emotional traumas and battles.



This card is a confirmation that you can trust your angels to fight and work for your welfare. Through Azrael, your angels want you to know that they are ready to help you get through any challenge and trial that will come your way.


The universe is aware of the many struggles that come into your life and how confusing it is for you to navigate on your own. At times, it is taxing to think of how you can even get through a day not feeling this sense of loneliness within you. 


Right now, through Archangel Azrael, the Universe signals to you that the Divine is always with you. Letting your own senses open up to your celestial guides’ warmth allows them to assist you in getting through life’s many burdens and keep you from being led astray by the pain of your own grief.


Archangel Azrael’s Advice for you

Archangel Azrael wants to see you live a life free from the shackles of loneliness and helplessness. Grief is not something you deal with on your own. By opening yourself up to others, you open yourself through the process of healing from these feelings. You are taking a step to become much stronger than you were in the past. 


Your grievances in life are not only felt by you as you may believe. A lot of the times, the divine spirits and guides around you also feel your grief and will be there for you quickly to join you in navigating through that pain and finding the light out of the darkest tunnels within your life. Your angels will not let you down when some people may, and that makes all the difference, as now you know that these struggles you have are no longer being dealt with by you and you alone.


When you see yourself struggle, you will find that sense of enlightenment soon enough that will get you out of that situation. By then, you can also help others see how their grief is not theirs alone. Your experience also helps others so long as you find the virtue of empathy towards others throughout your own process of healing.


Azrael also understands that the process of finding people that can help you with your issues will have to start with yourself. Do not be alarmed thinking that opening up to someone may just be an inconvenience to them if they’re unwilling to help. Your angel guides are always there to support you and like your ability to trust that they will deliver on their support of you, trust that there are also people that you will meet here on earth that God has placed to soon meet and help you get closer to enlightenment.


What Archangel Azrael Wants You To Act Upon

Allow your guardian angel, Angel Azrael, to fill you with his love and light. 


Archangel Azrael can help you by showering you with his acceptance and love, which will help you overcome obstacles in life more successfully.


If you communicate with Archangel Azrael, he will see to it that you receive all of the crucial messages from God so you can be led to the right path for your success.


Connect with Azrael and make sure your energy is aligned with him so you can receive all his signs and messages.


Know that receiving this message today is not a coincidence. This demonstrates how your angels are directing you to accept this message of blessing and begin leading the life you’ve always wanted.


Know that you will always receive this blessing. This is what God has planned for you. Trust that your angels will work hard to deliver this to you.


A Prayer from Archangel Azrael to Claim his Blessings,


Dearest Archangel Azrael,

I want to express my gratitude for your unending love and light.

I appreciate your constant care for me.

I appreciate you bringing God’s will into my life.

I’m asking for your help and support today so that I can begin living the life that God has planned for me.

I give myself over to your enthusiasm and vigor. May it give me the courage to fight my battles better with you by my side.

Thank you so much. Amen.