Archangel Jophiel – God Will Fill Your Life With Beauty
Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty. God blessed her with the responsibility of helping humans find beauty in the wonderful world he created. She is the angel that will help you find beauty in yourself and in everything you do.
Archangel Jophiel is sending you this message to affirm how God will fill your life with beauty the way He has filled the world with wonder and greatness. Through this card, Archangel Jophiel is reminding you of all the possibilities of your life.
Sometimes the world has become so bleak and grey that you find a hard time finding the excitement and wonder to keep living life as vigorously as you did in the past. There are so many instances when you think that life is not beautiful anymore but it is and your angels will surely show you this.
Archangel’s Jophiel Advice for you
The whole world and some people can make life a challenging feat. There are people who will make you question humanity. There are instances where you wonder where the light is. Sometimes, it is hard to find the right reasons to live life beautifully.
Your angels understand this. They know the struggles you face when you try to find things that excite you and rekindle your passion for life.
Archangel Jophiel as the angel of beauty takes it personally when you get discouraged at any stage in your life. Right now, she wants to help you find faith in God’s gifts and blessings for your life.
Archangel Jophiel wants you to think about the beauty you want to see in your life and make sure that you fill your life with this beauty through your connection with the Divine.
Opening yourself to God and his angels will help them guide you to a more beautiful perspective by guiding you and helping you raise your vibration so you can fill your life with beauty. Jophiel wants you to understand that your energy will attract things accordingly. A higher vibration will help you from being overwhelmed by the negative energy the world will throw at you. When your energy is beautiful and positive you become a magnet for beautiful and wonderful things in the universe.
Raising your vibration is easier when you have the angels guiding every step of your journey.
What Archangel Jophiel Wants You To Act Upon
Let this card from Archangel Jophiel be a sign for you to finally open yourself to the endless gift of beauty from God.
This is the right time for you to raise your vibration and change the whole perspective and course of your life.
Opening yourself to your spiritual connection with the Divine and the angels is the first step in opening the spaces of your life to be filled with beauty and happiness.
It is time to let go of the negative thoughts and feelings that prevent you from receiving the real beauty of your life.
Know that God has designed your life to be as beautiful as it can be and you can claim it as soon as you want to.
A Prayer from Jophiel to Claim Her Blessings,
Dearest Archangel Jophiel,
I pray to you today with a humble and hopeful heart.
I come to you to claim your blessings and guidance.
I pray for God’s beauty to come to me and fill every crevice of my life.
Please fill me with your energy and presence.
Please help me let go of the negative thoughts and feelings that keep beauty from coming into my life.
Let your light guide me as I open myself to the gifts and blessings from God.
Thank you so much. Amen.