Archangel Raguel – Love Yourself First. In Order To Attract And Experience Love, You Must First Love Yourself
This is a message from your angel of Love, Archangel Raguel!
She wants you to remember the importance of loving yourself before attracting and experiencing love in your life. To create a loving and fulfilling relationship with others, you must first have a healthy relationship with yourself.
Raguel’s message encourages you to practice self-love and self-care, cultivate a positive self-image, and honor your own needs and desires. By doing so, you raise your own vibration and become a magnet for love and positive relationships. Remember that you are worthy of love and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, both by yourself and by others.
Prayer to Archangel Raguel to Claim this Blessing
Dear Archangel Raguel, heavenly guide of harmony and fairness,
I come before you to seek your divine guidance and support.
I ask for your help in embracing your message to love myself fully and unconditionally.
Please help me let go of self-judgment, self-doubt, and any negative self-talk that may hold me back.
Help me to see my worth and value as a unique creation of the Divine.
Show me how to cultivate more love and compassion towards myself and others.
Thank you for your loving presence and your willingness to guide me towards a more loving and harmonious life.