How Can I Be Financially Secure?

Financial security is one of the most important things in life, especially as we get down to our last years. Most of us would want to ensure that we have, at the least, take care of some basic needs for ourselves, and preferably for our families as well. 


To make your life fulfilling and complete, financial security is perhaps necessary. Also, one cannot really do much without money. That’s why many people are willing to work hard to enjoy this aspect of life – being financially secure.


 But how can you be financially secure?


Below are the things you can consider in order to become financially secure in life:


Reframe how you think about money.

The way you think about money will determine how you behave, which will impact your success. If you’re thinking of money as something that requires hard work and sacrifice, chances are that’s what it will take to get it. In contrast, if you’re thinking of money as something that allows you to make a difference in the world—or even just something that makes your life better—you’ll be more likely to succeed at making it.


How can we reframe our thinking about money? One simple way is by asking ourselves what we want from life: What does financial security mean for us?


Surely some people may wish for world peace, but for most of us, our personal definition of financial security might include things like having enough money saved up so that we don’t have to worry about paying rent or bills; having enough equity built up in our home so there’s no chance of losing any investment should our house fall into disrepair; being able to afford expensive vacations whenever we feel like taking them (and maybe even buying tickets with frequent flyer miles); and having an ample emergency fund set aside in case any big expenses pop up unexpectedly (i.e., car repairs).


Budget, then save.

Budgeting is the first step to saving. The easiest way to set a budget is by writing everything down and tracking your expenses for a month or two. Once you have this information, try to cut back on some of the things that you spend money on that don’t make sense for your needs (e.g., buying expensive coffee every day). After that, consider setting up an automatic transfer between checking accounts so that any extra money goes into savings automatically each month.


At this point, it’s time to start saving! For example, if you want $10,000 in savings by next year but are currently only putting away $50 per month towards that goal (the equivalent of one latte per week), then increasing your monthly savings by just $50 per month would get you there without even having to change anything else about how often or much coffee you buy!


Set up an automatic savings plan.

  • Set up an automatic savings plan.
  • Make your automatic savings plan a part of your monthly budget, and set it up so that money is withdrawn from your checking account on the same day every month. Consider having some money taken out before you have access to what’s left in your bank account, which will help reduce impulse spending.
  • Set aside enough to make a real impact. It may be tempting to put away only small amounts at a time—but if you don’t have enough saved up, you won’t be able to feel secure about your financial future or make large-scale purchases like buying a home or starting a business venture. Try setting aside some of the following percentages: 5% for emergency savings; 10% for retirement; 20% for large purchases such as emergency repairs or home renovations; 30% for short-term goals such as vacations, furniture purchases, and clothes shopping; 50%+ toward long-term goals such as paying down student loans or starting an IRA fund when possible (you can start contributing once you’ve earned any income).


If you get a raise, adjust your budget accordingly.


A raise is a good thing. It means that you are doing well at your job, and your employer recognizes that. However, if you don’t adjust your spending habits accordingly, then it won’t do a lot of good. You might think that since you’re making more money now, it’s okay to spend more money. But there is no guarantee that this will continue in the future—you could get laid off or fired at any time without warning.


When you get a raise, use some of the extra money toward paying off debt or saving for retirement instead of spending it all right away on things like new shoes or expensive dinners out with friends (or both). If possible, make sure that whatever amount of money comes into each month still allows for living expenses such as rent and utilities; otherwise, consider taking on another part-time job so that dollars can keep flowing in throughout the month (and not just at one time), which will allow them to have more purchasing power than if they were used up all at once!


Create a financial goal.

Once you have a clear vision of your ideal financial situation, it’s time to set some goals to help you get there. The simplest way to do this is by creating a list of things that are important—the things that would really make your life easier or happier if they happened in the next year or two. These could be big or small (or both), but the important thing is that they feel within reach and achievable. For example, “I want us to buy our first home” may seem like an overwhelming task at first glance, but breaking down that goal into smaller steps can help make it more attainable: buying real estate education; researching neighborhoods; looking at listings together; finding financing options…


Create an emergency fund.


The first step toward financial security is creating an emergency fund. This should include at least three months’ living expenses, and it’s important to keep the money separate from your other accounts. You can use a high-yield savings account with no fees or a CD if you’d like, as long as it’s not in any of your main deposit accounts at the bank. Also, be sure that there is enough money left over after paying all monthly bills to create this fund, so don’t go overboard on shopping sprees or vacations during this time. After creating this fund, make sure it stays full by setting up automatic transfers into it each month (just remember to take out enough cash for the next month’s bills).


Figure out what you’re paying for and why.


The first step to financial security is understanding your current financial situation. A good way to get this information is by creating a budget, which will help you see how much money is coming in, what it’s being spent on and where the gaps are.


If you have never created a budget before, there are tons of great apps that can help make it easier for you (we recommend Mint or You Need A Budget) or even just creating an Excel sheet with the same categories as your preferred app.


Once you have the basics down, try making some adjustments based on what’s working and what isn’t so well.


Assess your insurance needs.

The first step to becoming financially secure is to figure out what your insurance needs are. If you’re currently paying for insurance, then it’s likely that you already know what types of coverage you want. However, if you don’t have any insurance or if your coverage is limited, then now’s the time to assess your situation and decide whether or not it’s time for an update. To do this effectively, consider the following questions:


  • What does my current insurance policy protect me from? This can help determine which areas of life may need additional protection. For example, if there isn’t enough coverage on a home mortgage loan in case of default and foreclosure, it might be wise to look into adding this type of protection through private mortgage insurance (PMI).
  • How much does each type of coverage cost? Knowing how much each plan costs will help narrow down which options are most affordable based on monthly budgeting requirements before deciding which ones would provide enough value relative to other financial priorities like saving up for retirement or paying off student loans faster while keeping the debt-to-income ratio low enough so as not affect credit score negatively later down the road.


Think about your investments, especially for the long term.


When I talk to young people, they often ask me what they can do to get financially secure. They want a quick fix. They want their money problems solved quickly and easily.


But investing is not that type of game. It takes time, patience and discipline—all traits that are necessary for long-term financial success. So ask yourself: Do you have the guts to invest for the long term? If so, then let’s get started!


When I think about “investing” for the long term, my mind goes straight to stocks because stocks have historically provided much better returns than other investments like CDs or bonds over time (though these alternative options may be more suitable for your individual situation). Investing in stocks also gives you exposure to companies that may grow exponentially over decades; many of today’s household names had humble beginnings just a few decades ago!


But investing in individual companies isn’t without risks—there’s always a chance the company will fail or lose money due to external factors beyond its control (such as economic downturns). A safer way would be mutual funds which invest across many different companies at once thereby minimizing risk while still giving investors access to successful businesses with strong growth potential over time without having too much capital tied up at any one point in time waiting on those long-term gains from individual stocks within their portfolio instead.


Angel Message Advice

I come to you now with a message of financial security.


It’s important to know that money is not the root of all evil, but rather the love of money is.


I know that when you look at your finances, it can be easy to feel like it’s never enough. But if you look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that there are always resources available for you—and sometimes those resources are right in front of your face! 


Take a look at where you spend your money: what do you actually need? What do you just want? Think about how much more peaceful and abundant your life would feel if the things on your wish list were replaced by experiences and moments that bring joy and meaning into your life.


The key to finding financial security is to first understand what matters most to you, then identify what steps need to be taken in order for those things to happen. 


You may need to make some changes in order to create more financial stability—but remember: it’s not about the money itself; it’s about creating a life that feels good and meaningful.


Prayer For Manifestation

Dear Angels in Heaven, 


I pray that you would help me to be financially secure. 


I know that you have given me the ability to work hard and earn money, but I also know that there are many things in life that are out of our control. 


Please guide me as I readjust my spending habits, so that I may stay within my means. 


Help me to be a good steward of the resources you’ve given me, and show me how to make wise choices about how best to use them. 


Thank you for hearing my prayers and answering them in your time.

