Break Free From The Consequences Of Your Past Foolish Decisions So They Will Never Repeat Again In Future!

“Embrace Your Inner Mentor With Divine Angel's Vibration”

Learn From Your Lessons And Past Mistakes So You Will NEVER Repeat Them Again!

Think back of the 3 biggest mistakes of your life... It could be:

  • The worst financial mistakes in your life...
  • Working with a bad business partner
  • Marrying the wrong person
  • Avoiding certain places or accidents

Imagine if you had the wisdom to avoid these huge mistakes...

Even though we cannot go back in time and erase the foolish mistakes in the past, there is no guarantee that you won't repeat mistakes like these in the future!

If you're reading this now, then you are in a good space because by the end of this letter, you will learn how to avoid the 'land mines' of your life and have better wisdom.

There Are Only 2 Things Separating The Wise And The Foolish! They Are...

Life truly is like a minefield. One misstep and you can blow up.

Yet in this world, there are lots of wise people who seem to walk through the minefield of life unscathed.

How do they do it? If you wonder how others are so wise, understanding and discerning while you feel the opposite, it is because their vibration is different compared to you.

The people who are in a good vibration or a high vibration are often making wise decisions and never repeating the bad ones.

Like a 'guru', they seem to know all the right answers.

The reason why you feel unwise regarding your past decisions is because you are in a low vibration and this vibration overwhelms you with anger, shame, guilt, fear, worries and anxieties... in fact, a low vibration even attracts bullies as well!

If you are sick and tired of being a magnet for the landmines of foolish decisions then you have to fix your vibration first!

Here's why...

How God's Wisdom Was Spoken Into Existence...

The truth is, people who possess wisdom all have one thing in common… they spoke the language and the vibration of wealth the same way the divine has spoken things into existence.

If you’ve heard of the power of the spoken word, you’ll understand that money and wealth are not accidents - they were SPOKEN into existence and manifested itself in one form or another.

According to Christian traditions, when God created the heavens and the earth, He too spoke it into existence. Using a series of divine words, those words were not only the language of creation, but it also contained the wisdom of the past, present and future. The words of God hold the very key to unlocking the gates of heaven and to live in infinite wisdom and the mysteries of the unknown became known.

These divine words were known as Celestial speech, the angelic language or Enochian - based on the prophet Enoch. These words were present throughout history in various religious text and different forms of spiritual records.

God gave Adam the gift of ‘Loagaeth’ - speech that came from God. When Adam lived in the Garden of Eden, Adam communicated with God and His angels using Loageth and gave every plant, creature and object its true name.

Adam was wise - so wise that he remembered the names of everything in Eden and communed with God having access to divine wisdom constantly.

But one unwise decision resulted in Adam was casted out from the Garden of Eden. Not only did he lose his access to all that abundance, his fluency was stricken at the fall. He lost the ability to communicate with God and the angels. Even though he lost his ability to speak the Angelic tongue, he retained some fractured memories of that Celestial language and created the world’s first human language based on his fuzzy and flawed memory of Loagaeth.

Adam also lost the ability to to think wisely. As a result, his connection with the divine wisdom was severed and he toiled and labored for the rest of his long life.

How You Can Reconnect With Divine Wisdom...

Adam’s story seems tragic, but if there’s one key takeaway you can learn from Adam is that wisdom has always been a part of your DNA all along.

That's right...

You see, God in all his wisdom, created Adam and the rest of mankind in His image.

Even though the image isn’t perfect, some part of God’s DNA resides in you and you have the ability to tap into that DNA to access divine wisdom.

You just need to remember how to use it.

Like Adam’s Enochian speech - the power of the spoken word and making wise decisions came into existence is within you all along.

God’s ability to create by speaking the universe into existence is the same ability to speak your world and your abundant life into existence.

Once you find the right tools to help you, it'll reconnect you to that divine wisdom once again and you'll be able to make wiser decisions.

How we can help you...

We, at Celestial Inspiration, have dedicated our lives to reach and help as many people as we can in connecting with their Divinity and find their highest path with divine protection. 

We are one of the fastest-growing angel communities in the realm of light. We are committed to nurturing humanity using the best tools as we are guided to do so.

For this reason, we’ve created a program that will help you live your greatest life and reach your fullest potential.

Our courses are designed to help you through soul journeys, discovering your divine origins, awakening you to your highest purpose, and immerse you in vibration-raising meditations, invocations and prayers so that you are in alignment with your highest self.



"How To Master Your Life’s Lessons And The Power Of Discernment."

Let's talk about the program...

This program contains a very powerful channeled angelic audio recording called "The Enochian Vibration" that harnesses the energy of your superconscious mind so that you can tap into the wisdom of the universe and have access to infinite intelligence at the superconscious level.

How The Enochian Vibration works is by channeling the voices of Archangels based on their celestial speeches or angelic language used to communicate with the divine.

This recording also combines immersive solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats with the channeled energies of Archangel Metatron - the archangel of wisdom and sacred geometry.

The subliminal scripts contains the celestial speeches of Archangel Metatron. When you listen to it, it works its way into the core of your superconscious mind - your soul.

It also comes with an instruction manual so no stone is left unturned when it comes to accessing divine wisdom.

As such, we will help you forge a strong connection with divine wisdom, intelligence and understanding with the help of higher and divine beings so you can be divinely guided in manifesting the reality you want as you align your vibrations with them.

What You'll Learn

Deal with the past wisely

Learn how to deal with your past and gain wisdom from it.

Turn your life around

Learn how you can turn your life around with wisdom.

Turn regrets into opportunities

Learn how to make decisions peacefully free from regrets and judgment.

Make wise decisions

Understand how your past decisions affect your present life so you could make better choices.

Heal yourself from your past

Healing ourselves from our past experiences helps us to see things with a new perception that can help us make the right choices in life.

Access Divine Wisdom

Achieve divine wisdom by raising your vibration.

PLUS: A powerful audio tool specifically created to access divine wisdom and help you make better judgments

  • This powerful audio tool will help you access divine wisdom so you will connect with the the wisdom of angels and their guidance.
  • Solfeggio frequencies are powerful because it contains nine tones derived from numerology that were used throughout time. These frequencies can shift your energies easily.
  • Binaural beats help you to relax and immerse easily with your angels so you can increase the strength of your brainwaves to increase your wisdom and your vibration.
  • We use channeled angelic vibrations to replicate the power of the celestial speech so you can use the power of the spoken word of angels to increase your wisdom and understanding.
  • Once the angelic vibration enters your superconscious mind or your spiritual core, it will help you to connect with infinite abundance because angels are celestial beings and they vibrate at a logarithmic scale of 50,000 as compared to the highest human vibration of only 700-1000.
  • When you connect with angelic energies, you will instantly raise your own vibration to a much higher level allowing you to make better decisions and learn from your mistakes.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This whole bundle is valued at $39.99, but since our goal is to help as many people as we can in achieving their dreams and reality, we are offering the entire program for only $9.99.

This course will show you a world that people have been trying to discredit for so long now.

We will make you see what those successful people used so they can achieve their best life.

"Very happy with this program. Just when I feel like everything in my life sucks, I came across this product and that's when I started to see things differently and change the course of my life!”

— Kevin

"I realized that I don't have to gain wisdom only when I'm old, wisdom can actually be tapped if you know how to. Thank you for teaching me how!”

— Gigi

"I have made many mistakes in my life and have suffered the consequences. This course has helped me found wisdom from all of it and helped me to move on and accept the past. Grateful for this product's profound impact on my life.”

— Alex

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied!

It's Time To Take Action To Live Your Best Life Free from the Past! As workers of the light, no one values your hard-earned money as much as we do. We want you to feel completely confident and at ease when you purchase the program today, which is why we backed our program with a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. The last thing we would want to do is hurt the Creator's tender heart by keeping your hard-earned money if you are not getting an ounce of value from Celestial Inspiration. 

You have enough time to decide if you like this product. Don’t waste time and claim the life you are always meant to experience. There is no room for regret in your beautiful life. Save yourself from depression and anguish and live an amazing life.

If you have any questions or issues about your downloads or you want a refund, please contact our customer service at [email protected].

Gain wisdom now while you're young and seeing your life ahead of you...

Look back and see your whole life before you now...

Are you happy with the consequences of your actions?

Can you truly say that you've made the right decisions?

Or are you still hoping to turn your life around and become someone you really wanted to be?

Do you wish to be more in tune with your inner world and get access to infinite wisdom so you can download it anytime easily and effortlessly?

Do you want to make things right in your life?

Just to drive home what that means, let me take you to this story...

You can rise up from your past mistakes!

Television host Suze Orman is a personal finance guru but before that, her dream was to open a neighborhood hot tub café. A dream she shares with her coworkers and customers in the bakery where she worked after college.

Then one day, she received a $50,000 tip from a generous customer who hopes to help her make her dream come true. But sadly, she knew nothing about saving and investing at that time that her donation eventually ran out leaving her with no money and no viable business.

Going through such a painful lesson about not being informed and trusting people has sparked her interest in investing that she tried to become a broker too. She worked hard through this new career path that eventually she earned back her lost $50,000 and more.

She also discovered her passion for helping others manage their money as well which led her to become a personal finance guru.

Orman's story shows us that there are lessons in our past mistakes no matter how painful it is. It depends on how we see and perceive things

Wisdom is knowing which knowledge to pick up and how to use it in any situation.

This story shows us that without knowledge, self-knowledge and guidance will make us falter in our decisions. But with wisdom, we are able to see things in life that may not be obvious but we can learn some great lessons. Only the wise will be able to see and identify it.

Do you want to see and understand things that others would never realize?

Start your wisdom journey with us now...

It will open you up to a whole new perspective. But if you choose not to, you will remain the same and will evaluate things the same way you did before that has brought the same set of consequences in your life.

Can you still afford the cost of inaction?

So start living in wisdom and begin accessing the wisdom of the universe now because you deserve it!

And again, if for any reason, you aren’t COMPLETELY thrilled with your results, just let us know. And we’ll instantly refund every penny.

There’s simply no reason not to start living a life full of wisdom...RIGHT NOW!

Click the BUY NOW button to get started! 

Awaken the wise within!

You have the power to make the best decisions to succeed in life!

Get started for only $9.99!