Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Haniel – Pay Attention to the Signs
Archangel Haniel is the angel of intuition and joy. She is a powerful guide that will help you figure out the path that has been set for you. She will guide you to connect with your inner knowing as you go deeper into self-discovery and connect you with the Divine.
This card is filled with the energy and light of Archangel Haniel. This is her way of telling you to be aware of the workings of the Universe so you will not miss receiving the guidance and blessings of the Universe.
Archangel Haniel wants to assure you that God is always watching over you. With the help of his angels, you will be guided on a joyful journey with a stronger intuition so you can make choices for your life that you would not regret.
Archangel Haniel’s Advice for you
Archangel Haniel wants you to open yourself so she can clear your intuition line and help you receive the signs and synchronicities of the Universe.
She is aware of your tendency to take your time making choices. She also knows that you have some regrets because you often second-guess yourself. She knows that the negative energy that surrounds you and the doubts inside your mind can block your intuition line and make you miss the signs from the Divine.
She wants you to open yourself to her presence so she can fill your being with peace and serenity. Her serene energy clears your emotional and mental state from negative energies which block your line of intuition.
When she clears your energy, you become more open to the messages of your inner knowing that lead you to your passion and purpose. You will find it easier to interpret the signs that she and the other angels send to you.
She wants you to never hold back from showing the world who you truly are. She lets you know that when your intuition line is open you are always protected as your soul will be prompted of any danger or prompt you to make better choices to avoid regrets.
What Archangel Haniel Wants You To Act Upon
Let Archangel Haniel lead you to a fully-guided life.
Archangel Haniel is waiting for you to connect with her so she can help you remove the fears of failure inside you and help you live life without regrets.
She will help you clear your mind and heart from negativity as soon as you call upon her. She wants you to never hold back from showing the world who you truly are. She lets you know that when your intuition line is open you are always protected as your soul will be prompted of any danger or prompt you to make better choices to avoid regrets.
Do not let this guidance slide. You have been guided here today to make sure that you take the first step in living a life filled with celestial guidance and light.
You are meant to live life without worry and fear. Let your angels fill your life with their loving presence and energy.
A Prayer from Archangel Haniel to Claim his Blessings
Beloved Archangel Haniel, thank you for loving me and for being with me always.
Thank you for your presence and for wrapping me in your brilliant light and joy now.
Help me to release heavy emotions, and negative energies so I can tap into the power of my spiritual gifts and awaken my intuition.
Shine your light upon me so I can also shine my light on others and be of service to them.
Help me find my soul’s alignment so I can find true joy and fulfillment.
I open myself to the messages of heaven and help me to access infinite intelligence so I will be fully guided.
Thank you for hearing my call. Amen
If you’ve received Celestial Inspiration, please be an angel and share this message with someone who needs to hear this.