Your Angel Message Of The Day: Archangel Michael – Spend More Time With Your Soul

Archangel Michael is heaven’s mightiest angel. He is also a gentle angel with a message for you today to spend more time nurturing your soul. You are on earth for a Divine purpose. As you’re living in the human condition, it is easy to get caught up with day to day affairs to the point that we forget that we are a spiritual being having a human experience and we must nurture our soul with the right kind of food.


Man shall not live on bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Hence feeding on God’s word is feeding on spiritual food that will nourish you and make you whole. Spiritual food is helpful for you to give you the fuel you’ll need to make your days ahead easier. When you find yourself running on ’empty’, it’s because you haven’t been filling up with the right kind of ‘gas’.


Archangel Michael wants you to never forget your Divine nature. That you are a loving, kind, forgiving and enduring soul who is gentle to others. As you nourish your inner being, the essence of who you are will flourish and radiate into the world out there. Your angels will always be able to assist you with this – to help you to remember your Divine nature so you will be a giver who can bring so much joy to the world out there.


Archangel Michael’s Advice For You


There are lots of people out there who will not be able to recognize your true nature. They might not understand that your intentions are coming from a place of love. When others speak ill of your intent, this is when you must look up to your angels and trust that they are guiding you to make the right decisions. When you are working on behalf of your angels, you don’t have to doubt that what you’re doing is correct.


Michael’s shield can protect you from the evil one. He can also protect you from others who seek to do you harm. When you are fearful that others might attack you, ask Michael to cover you with his angel wings and arm his shield to protect you from their fiery darts. Remember that the things that do not kill you only make you stronger. God will not allow you to bear more than you are able and will always provide a way out.


What Archangel Michael Wants You To Act Upon


Persist in doing good for others and you shall get your reward. Keep on acting in the capacity of kindness and you will not forget your Divine purpose. Michael has noted your hard work and you will be rewarded based on your good deeds. This is the Divine law of compensation and reciprocity at work. Trust God and act boldly. Give and you will be given back 100 fold.


When you are truly walking in faith, you will have unshakable confidence in God’s unfailing love. Therefore you have nothing to be afraid of. God has sent Archangel Michael to pave the way for you. Pay close attention when Michael sends you messages and you can be sure that he will prosper your path.


Whenever you feel that your strength is failing, always remember to nurture your soul and feed yourself good spiritual food. Read the bible or inspiring stories of kindness and goodness. They will always give you the strength to do good and help others.


A Prayer From Archangel Michael To Claim His Blessings


“Dear Archangel Michael, I thank you for reminding me who I am. I know that I am a kind and gentle soul who bring out the best in others. When I feel myself failing, I know that I must nurture my soul and tend to my needs. I know that I am supported by your mighty shield so you will lift me up whenever I need you. Thank you Archangel Michael. Amen!”


If you’ve received Celestial Inspiration, please be an angel and share this message to someone who needs to hear this.