Angel Message of the Day: Archangel Metatron – Seek Wisdom On This Matter
The Wisest Angel of God is looking after you right now. He wants you to know something as he watches you work hard for the life you always dreamed of. Metatron was once a human being before he ascended and became an Angel. His experience on earth made him the best angel to sympathize with and understand your struggles.
This card is a blessing and a sign from him. He knows you have been waiting for a sign to make a crucial decision for your life. It is something that you have been mulling on for a long time now because you do not want to make a mistake and regret your decision.
Through this card, Metatron wants you to know that he will help you access Divine wisdom to help you find the clarity you need to make a decision that will change your life for the better. You have spent enough time thinking. The Divine is glad you are being careful but through this card, they want you to know that they don’t want you to lose a beautiful opportunity.
Archangel Metatron’s Advice For You
Archangel Metatron wants you to remember that you can always turn to him when you are uncertain about things in your life. He wants you to know that there is nothing to fear with your guardian angel by your side. The Divine will make sure that you will receive the right guidance and blessing you need at the exact moment.
With that said, take this message from him as the nudge you need to finally make the decision you have been putting off for a while now.
Are you wondering if it is alright to change your career path, right now? Are you having second thoughts about the relationship you want to enter into? Are you afraid to cut off people who have been draining your energy?
Metatron knows that you are having a hard time making decisions because you have so much love for so many things, and you care so much. But he wants you to make decisions for yourself. He wants you to choose things that will fill you with happiness and love. It is time you focus on yourself more.
He wants you to forge a stronger and deeper relationship with him and the Divine so they can easily guide you through every decision you need to make.
What Archangel Metatron Wants You To Act Upon
Connect with Archangel Metatron and gain access to the Divine Wisdom that you need to make the best decisions for your life.
The best wisdom you can find is Divine Wisdom. Divine Wisdom will help you have a smoother life journey. It is like finding a shortcut to a journey that would have taken longer with many turns otherwise.
Imagine having the wisdom to make the best decisions at the most opportune time. Imagine living your life knowing you will never miss a single opportunity. You will be gaining knowledge and lessons every step you take in this lifetime.
The Divine is opening the doors of the universe for you. Take this opportunity to receive wisdom and guidance from Metatron and all the other angels watching over you.
A Prayer From Archangel Metatron To Claim His Blessings
“Archangel Metatron, the angel of wisdom and empowerment.
I always thank God for having you around to watch over me.
Thank you for being faithful to me all the time.
Thank you for your love and light shining in my life.
Please watch over me always as I make my choices.
Help me to know the best choices for the highest good so that I may find fulfillment and happiness in my life.
Protect me always and help me escape from unnecessary regret.
Above all, help me to gain access to Divine Wisdom.
I open myself to your blessings and guidance.
I open myself to a lasting connection with you and the angels of God.
Thank you always. Amen.”
If you’ve received Celestial Inspiration, please be an angel and share this message to someone who needs to hear this.